Name Registration

The Name Registration is the most crucial part of the registration process: on this page, you can set the unique name that identifies your delegate node in the network.

Later on you will configure the staking requirements for your delegate and the rewards mechanism.

Profile Account Name

The Profile Account Name is a 12 alphanumeric characters string and is used to uniquely identify the delgates in the network.

Delegate Name

The Delegate Name is your user-friendly public facing name, and is a maximum of 20 characters long.

Delegate Bio

Use a sentence that represents your Delegate brand.

Operator Address

This account is used for the actual node software running on your node servers and we therefore recommend using a different address than the one used in the Profile Account, since if it would get somehow compromised, delegates will forever lose access.

Email Address

Make sure to add a reliable email address, possibly one that connects directly to the node operator, as IoTeX will use this email address to send update notifications to delegate operators as well as other urgent communications.

Last updated